Thursday, February 05, 2009


To much gay city. Don't worry Justin I haven't forgot about your sponsor me! Hey everyone todays Justin's birthday as in yesterday because I count day as over when I sleep and Im still awake. cut the crap here is the video.

This is the first video I ever made and posted on youtube. As you may notice the youtube account this video is from "bshans" later changed to bshan"Z" due to forgetting the password. Side story if anyone knows who hacked my youtube account and deleted half my videos and all my favorites ill give them the $50 for double set challenge. And one day I will find you.


My dearest friend Pat O Rourke left for Barcelona on Saturday for a month with some skater friends. Lurked SBC today don't no if this is new to you but it was to me. Ill read it later I bet it's gangsta.

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